desfiintarea proprietatii agrare

Author: Augustin Țărău

Title: Procesul de desființare a proprietății agrare private în județele din nord-vestul României (1945-1959) (The abolishing of agrarian private property in north-western Romanian counties (1945-1959)

Year of release: 2024



Author: Vasile Todinca

Title: Turismul rural și etnoturismul. Oportunități pentru o dezvoltare durabilă a Țării Beiușului (Rural tourism and ethnotourism. Opportunities for a sustainable development of Beiuș Country)

Year of release: 2024


obiceiul prinderii suratelor

Author: Ligia-Monica Cristea

Title: Obiceiul prinderii suratelor în ipostaze reprezentative din Transilvania (The habit of “becoming sisters” in representative hipostasis from Transylvania)

Year of release: 2024



Author: Ioana Beteg

Title: A Lullaby for God. Self-destruction and the postmodern consumerism

Year of release: 2024


Price: 20 lei


Author: Dalida Moga

Coordinators: Ioan Ciorba, Florina Ciure

Title: Relatările călătorilor străini despre Cetatea și orașul Oradea (1488-1851) (The accounts of foreign travelers about the Citadel and the city of Oradea: 1488-1851)

Year of release: 2024

Price: 35 lei

colinde din bihor

Coordintors: Sorin Șipoș, Dan Octavian Cepraga, Cosmin Patca

Title: Colinde din Bihor, adunate din Voivozi și Cuzap de George Navrea (Carols from Bihor, gathered by George Navrea in Voivozi and Cuzap)

Year of release: 2023 (împreună cu Editura Universității din Oradea)


cantecul dorului nesfarsit(1)

Author: Viorica Flintașu

Title: Cântecul dorului nesfârșit

Year of release: 2023



Authors: Augustin Țărău, Melania Țărău

Title: Judecata ordalică. Documente. „Registrul de la Oradea” (The ordalic judgement. Documents. The Oradea Register

Year of release: 2024


Price: 40 lei


Crisia LII, 2022, supplement no. 2

Actors, Mechanisms and Levels of Influence in the EU Decision-Making
(Proceedings of the Jean Monnet International Conference, Oradea, 26 – 28 May 2022)


complete issue

Coperta Crisia 2023 MAT3(2)

Crisia LIII, 2023


complete issue

coperta volum stefanescu

Coordonators: Gabriel Moisa, Florina Ciure, Sorin Șipoș, Ioan Goman

Title: Studia interdisciplinaria. In memoriam magistri Barbu Ștefănescu

Year of release: 2023 (together with the Center for Transylvanian Studies of the Romanian Academy)


Price: 60 lei


Coordinators: Florin Sfrengeu, Florina Ciure

Title: In memoriam Sever Dumitrașcu

Year of release: 2023 (together with Ratio et Revelatio Publishing House)



Crisia LII, 2022, Supplement no. 1

150 de ani de muzeografie orădeană (150 years of museography in Oradea


complete issue

price of printed version: 100 lei

0.0 Copertina(1)

Coordinators: Simonetta Pelusi, Florina Ciure, Adriano Pavan

Title: Marcella, Venezia e Lavdatio. Erudite Scritture. Amichevoli Dedicazioni

.pdf book

hoarding for value(1)

Authors: Cristian Găzdac, Călin Ghemiș

Title: Hoarding for Value. Roman Denarii and their Imitations. The Hoard Peștiș I

Year of release: 2023 (together with MEGA Publishing House)


Price: 50 lei

coperta Trec prin lume cantand(1)

Author: Florica Bradu

Title: Trec prin lume cântând (I go through the world singing)

Year of release: 2023


Price: 45 lei

coperta 100 momente(1)

Authors: Dumitru Noane, Augustin Țărău

Title: Oradea – Nagyvárad – Großwardein. Momente inedite din istoria așezării (Novel moments of the history of the locality)

Year of release: 2023


Microsoft Word - Biharea 2022ok

Biharea XLIX, 2022

complete issue

price of printed version: 45 lei

nymphaea 2022(1)

Nymphaea XLVIX, 2022

complete issue

price of printed version: 35 lei

Coperta Clubul Constructorul 18x213(1)

Authors: Gabriel Moisa, Cristian Culiciu

Title: Căminul Muncitoresc – Clubul Constructorul. O istorie centenară (The Workers’ Dormitory – The Constructors’ Club. A Centenary History

Year of release: 2023


Price: 40 lei

Coperta legende Dalida Moga 12(1)

Author: Dalida Moga (coordinator: Ioan Ciorba)

Title: Legende, povești și istorii orădene (Legends, stories and history from Oradea)

Year of release: 2023

Price: 35 lei

Coperta Ghid Arheologie_page-0001(1)

Title: Ghidul expoziției de arheologie a Muzeului Țării Crișurilor (The Guide of the Țării Crișurilor Museum’s Archaeology Exhibition

Year of release: 2023

Price: 18 lei

coperta ghid istorie(1)

Title: Ghidul expoziției de Istorie a Muzeului Țării Crișurilor (The Guide of the Țării Crișurilor Museum’s History Exhibition)/em>

Year of release: 2023

Price: 25 lei

coperta valcau de jos(1)

Coordinators: Sorin Șipoș, Gabriel Moisa

Title: Monografia comunei Valcău de Jos

Year of release: 2023


Layout 1

Coordinator: Adina Rențea

Title: Mémoires (Sami Briss’ exhibition catalog)

Year of release: 2023

Price: 75 lei

coperta catalog ponevi(1)

Author: Sabina Horvath

Title: Ponevi aflate în colecția Muzeului Țării Crișurilor (Carpets from the collection of the Țării Crișurilor Museum)

Year of release: 2022


Price: 70 lei

coperta aparate de muzica mecanica(1)

Author: Ronald Hochhauser

Title: Aparate de muzică mecanică din colecțiile Muzeului Țării Crișurilor (Mechanical musical devices from the collections of the Țării Crișurilor Museum)

Year of release: 2022

Price: 45 lei

Coperta Memoria Bihorului față(1)

Authors: Gabriel Moisa, Cristian Culiciu

Title: Memoria Bihorului. Dimensiuni cotidiene (The Memory of Bihor. Dailiy life dimensions)

Year of release: 2022


Price: 200 lei


Nymphaea XV, extras din Crisia, 1985

volum complet

price or printed version: 12 lei

nymphaea 2021

Nymphaea XLVIII, 2021

complete issue

price of printed version: 15 lei

nymphaea 2019-2020

Nymphaea XLVI-XLVII, 2019-2020

complete issue

price of printed version: 8 lei

Coperta Nymphea 2018

Nymphaea XLV, 2018

complete issue

price of printed version: 40 lei

nymphaea 2017

Nymphaea XLIV, 2017

complete issue

price of printed version: 25 lei

nymphaea 2016

Nymphaea XLIII, 2016

complete issue

price of printed version: 15 lei

nymphaea 2015(1)

Nymphaea XLII, 2015

complete issue

price of printed version: 25 lei

nymphaea 2014

Nymphaea XLI, 2014

complete issue

price of printed version: 25 lei

nymphaea 2013

Nymphaea XL, 2013

complete issue

price of printed version: 15 lei

nymphaea 2012

Nymphaea XXXIX, 2012

complete issue

price of printed version: 15 lei

nymphaea 2011

Nymphaea XXXVIII, 2011

complete issue

price of printed version: 15 lei

nymphaea 2010

Nymphaea XXXVII, 2010

complete issue

price of printed version: 15 lei

nymphaea 2009

Nymphaea XXXVI, 2009

complete issue

price of printed version: 20 lei

nymphaea 2008

Nymphaea XXXV, 2008

complete issue

price of printed version: 12 lei

nymphaea 2007

Nymphaea XXXIV, 2007

complete issue

price of printed version: 10 lei

nymphaea 2006

Nymphaea XXXIII, 2006

complete issue

price of printed version: 12 lei

nymphaea 2005

Nymphaea XXXII, 2005

complete issue

price of printed version: 15 lei

nymphaea 2004

Nymphaea XXXI, 2004

complete issue

price of printed version: 11 lei

nymphaea 2003

Nymphaea XXX, 2003

complete issue

price of printed version: 13 lei

nymphaea 2002

Nymphaea XXIX, 2002

complete issue

price of printed version: 12 lei

nymphaea 2000

Nymphaea XXVIII, 2000

complete issue

price of printed version: 12 lei

nymphaea 1999

Nymphaea XXVII, 1999

complete issue

price of printed version: 10 lei